Sunday, July 3, 2011

Catching you up...

I'm hoping that this is the week things get back to normal in our world...


But just a quick catch up for you of odds and ends.  I promise to one day get back to writing about working out and things of the like...but to be honest with you, I've just been scrimping by in that category and using my workouts more to cope with stress than to train.  Maybe you've been there?  Yesterday, I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical and read my new Better Homes and Gardens cover to cover.

And it.was.wonderful.  ha!

Luckily, our diet has been fairly clean, because (wait for it...) we live less than 5 miles from an awesome farmer's market now!  I KNOW!  I love all things farmer's market and this one doesn't disappoint.  Lots of local representation, live music, flowers and people.  So we are there almost every week.  Here was our haul last Saturday...

We got all this, plus a huge bunch of basil for under $20.  Which came in handy for our slight addiction for grilled vegetables and anything with pesto sauce. 

mmm...pesto and a protein shake...

During the middle of the week, the girls and I traveled back to SC to attempt to clean up our little house there that is looking for a new tenant / owner.  It was a humbling experience, as I hadn't been back in our house since we left and I didn't realize how much work needed to be done - especially to the landscape.  I am completely indebted to my friends who came to help, watched the girls, and let us crash their homes.  

But of course we can't go on a trip without the hula hoop...  or "hu-wa hoo" as Elizabeth calls it.

Here is Rachel and Donna, enjoying the front porch swing.  If you look over their shoulder, you can see Gary and his dad hossing termite-infested wood into the woods.  It was stacked against our shed (also made of wood) for over two years.  I feared the worst when I saw was so bad that you could see where the termites had been from a distance and it almost crumbled in your hands when you picked it up.  

Wanna hear the awesome, only something God could do, part?  When the exterminator got there and looked at it, he said we had a bad ant bad that the ants had EATEN the termites, saving the shed and possibly the house.  I had never heard of such a thing. 

Anyway, we got back to town and Scott made the trip up to Ohio to pay honor to his best friend from college's dad, who passed away last week due to Alzheimers.    Just five years ago, Jack and Marsha had made the trip south to honor us at our wedding and I had just met them the one time. 

This article was published in their local paper and it is just a wonderful testament to a man's commitment to life, sports and his family. 

Of course, our 5th anniversary was last Friday and just served as a reminder to how blessed I am to be married to such a wonderful husband and father.

With daddy away, the girls and I went for walks and caught up with laundry and went to the pool and just enjoyed being back home.

I love this picture...I call it Walking on Sunshine.

So with all this behind us, maybe we can get back to our normal life soon...whatever that is...HA!  I hope you're all more thing to share with you.  We've been visiting a new church that just has incredible worship.  Matthew West sang this morning and did this song and I thought it was just incredible.  In case you need some encouragement (and who doesn't?!)...enjoy!

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