Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I was thinking last night about the Father's and Mother's Day before Elizabeth was born.  We were so excited for our new baby and bought each other cards and little gifts and said, "Next year, this will be for real!"

And by last night, I mean at 2:15 a.m. when I was rocking my big girl while her daddy changed the sheets on her bed after yet another accident in the new house.  I probably don't have to tell you that it doesn't get any more real than at 2 a.m.

I figure these things are common and she's played hard, drank a lot of ice water (since we now have an ice machine in our freezer, everything needs ice!) and slept hard enough to miss the call to the potty.  

So he stripped the linens while I rocked her back to sleep and then put her in bed.
After getting her down last night, I crawled back under the covers and he sleepily told me about how she woke him up this time. The way that our bed is situated, Scott is closest to the door and heard Elizabeth's door open last night.  Upon the sound, he shut his eyes just for a second - only to open them to pee-pee pj's being stuck in his face.

"Daddy, I pee'd.  I sorry."  Extra thrust of the wet pajama bottoms.

That'll get you up.

"Well...," having nothing else to say, "Happy Father's Day, Baby," I laughed and then we went back to sleep.

I think moving is hard on adults, but it's taken a while for the girls to adjust.  Elizabeth was pretty confused on the fact that we were now going to live in this house all the time, and not go back to our old house, our old church, or our old Y.  We've had family come in to help us get situated so every couple days, there's someone new here to visit. 

But the thing they have not had to adjust to and just can't get enough of is their daddy.  Before, he drove at least 45 minutes (without traffic) one way to get to work.  Now, he is six miles away.  SIX MILES!!!  So we get to have breakfast with him and sometimes lunch and he always gets home to play a little bit before dinner.  

Daddy's new happy hour

Now that's a Father's Day every day in our house.

Where the girls would stand by the door and look for him, he now comes in and surprises them.  He can go for walks and play with princess puzzles and eat pretend food and drink their pretend coffee.  

Life is a blessing, can I tell you?  

Daddy and girls after a Saturday morning breakfast out.
Just as we never take having our weekends together for granted, after so many years of coaching and spending them apart, I don't think we'll ever overlook this extra gift of time.  Not to say that the time apart wasn't always for good...but it just wasn't together.

So my husband, this is for you...Happy Father's Day.  Your girls love you.

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