Wednesday, May 25, 2011

While I was packing...

I know, I know...why am I writing when I have tons to do?

Well, you see, yesterday I spent most of the day boxing up things and packing and cleaning.  And then today, I found all of those boxes, and their contents, scattered throughout the house while I (unsuspectingly) did the breakfast dishes.  So I need my coffee and an outlet...

Lucky you!

It's really my own fault because I run these kids around like crazy and wonder why they bounce off the walls when I make them stay home.  Here's some of the things I've caught them doing while I was packing...

Rachel loves to sit on her potty while her big sister goes to the potty.  I pretty much think this makes her brilliant, but the pediatrician didn't agree with me because she can't point to her nose or ears yet...stupid benchmarks of achievement.  Anyway, here she is doing her baby squats on her potty.

Silly, colorful shower curtain.  So tempting and distracting from mommy's picture taking....

Bowling...also known as throwing or kicking the pins at each other...

Yesterday, it sounded like the walls were coming down in Elizabeth's room.  Moments later, she stomped in the kitchen..."tap dancing."  Why yes, her shoes ARE on the wrong feet.  Normally, she gets that right...I know...she's brilliant too. (Notice the bowling pins in the background?  See!  Kicked or thrown...I don't think I've ever thanked Kim for this thoughtful and priceless little gift...)

Rachel joins in on the dance...if you look closely, she's playing with a nightlight that her grubby mitts yanked out of the wall.

Striking her ballerina pose with assistance from the chair.  (Like that table?  It's for sale on Craigslist...I'll make you a deal!)

I swear...all I asked was for her to get her hair out of her eyes for breakfast...

And here we have princess "eat my butter off my toast first", enjoying her breakfast.

Hope things are stable in your neck of the woods.  Praying for safety through this next round of storms!  Back to my packing!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling! I was trying to clean my house up for the girls' birthday party last week, and I think although I didn't get the laundry done or the bedrooms clean, I cleaned the living room about 20 times. Also, I spent about an hour packing all my sons army men, Legos, and Lincoln Logs in the correct boxes... and the next day he had dumped them all back out before I even got out of bed... He was building a fort, so I guess it was necessary. What do I know, I'm just the mom, right? Somehow it makes me feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one spinning my wheels when it comes to "getting stuff done" around the house. Good luck! May nap time be long and productive, lol.
