I think yesterday was my first weights workout in about a month.
Now normally, I get stressed and busy about this time of year, as well as every other mother I know. Last week, I had a senior pitcher that was stressed about her Calculus final and basketball games and trying to get her college applications in and I said, "Oh yeah? Well, I need to get out cards and start on cookies and finish my shopping..."
Somehow, she didn't find my humor appealing.
But it's been more than the holidays keeping me away from the gym.
Our house has been battling the flu. And the sinus crud. And the general moanies and groanies. (*cue unenthusiastic yay*)
This has been Scott's and my pose for about a month. |
So I took a break from the Y and focused instead on stocking up on tissues and Cloroxing door knobs. But yesterday, I felt good enough to get back into the routine and get my hour in. However, my body felt like it had been sick for a month.
I wish I could encourage you if you are in a similar situation that I felt good after a warmup and I left feeling better than ever, but to be honest, the entire time was a struggle. And I know it's going to be that way until I can get my stamina back up.
Which is why I hauled my sore butt to the Y again today and pushed through the cobwebs to get some squats and a light run in. I know I'll feel better eventually, but until then, it's going to be a little rough.
Speaking of rough, I have to tell you about Caleb's doctor visit yesterday. Did I tell you my baby is 9 months old? Holy moly...he is a crawling, talking, drooling machine that keeps everyone in the house on their toes.
So, after I was feeling pretty stellar from the gym, we went in for his check-up. I was talking to the nurse and stripping the boy down when I smelled that his diaper was definitely due for a change. Well, if you don't have little ones, you have to take their diaper off at the scales anyway, so I just told her that I'd better change this one here so we don't ruin the equipment.
She laughed and we continued to chat.
Until I looked in his diaper.
And there, mixed in with the foul-smelling mess, was a full gum wrapper, fully intact. I have no idea where he got it or how long it took to go through his system, but I felt like signing up for Mother of the Year there on the spot.
The nurse just laughed, but she must have made a note on my chart, because later, when I was talking with the doctor (who I love), he said, "So...how is his eating? Does he like table food? Baby food? Gum wrappers??"
Ok, I'm off to make some applesauce for my little Hoover. Have a great day, my friends!!